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Wat in Thailand

Stories from the Field, 2 Aug 2022

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (Romans 10:14)

The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner. - William Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Thai village. Image by Marc Ewell, Wycliffe Global Alliance

Pastor Tharawat, the Executive Director of Wycliffe Thai Foundation (Wycliffe Thailand) since 2012, shared that the vision of Wycliffe Thailand is not limited to Thailand alone – they hope to see a Bible translation project begin in all remaining languages in Southeast Asian countries that need one by 2025. To this end, they hope to partner with Thai churches and like-minded individuals to engage in Bible translation, literacy, scripture engagement and community development with the aim of making disciples for Christ.

Currently, Wycliffe Thailand has 4 ongoing Bible translation and literacy projects: one in a people group in north Thailand, and 3 others in groups from neighbouring countries.

One of these is the Tang* project in a neighbouring country. Like many similar ethnic groups, girls are not sent to school but are expected to work on the farms. Many are married off as young as 11-12 years old. The literacy project has given these girls a chance to learn to read and write, and some have become teachers in Sunday School.

In a video, two young ladies, A* (15) and J* (18), both said that they had not even realised that their language could be written down, and only saw the writing system after they started attending church. Reading the Bible in their own language has helped them learn more about God and His will because they understand it better than the national language.

Thai temple. Image by Carina Hofmeister, Pixabay

Pastor Tharawat also shared other programmes which are conducted by Wycliffe Thailand. Camp Wycliffe, which was much missed during the pandemic, is a 5-day experiential mission trip which includes instruction as well as a village stay. There are plans to hold this twice a year. The next one is planned for 14-18 November 2022. If you'd like to join this year's trip, do contact us for more details!

Besides this, Wycliffe Thailand also runs Discovery trips twice a year to neighbouring countries, which are open to participants from outside Thailand. There are also programmes which reach out to local Thai churches to engage their interest and forge partnerships.

Some prayer items for Wycliffe Thailand:

  1. Pray that the first phase of building the Wycliffe Thailand office in Chiangmai will go smoothly.

  2. Pray for the development of a training centre in northeast Thailand, and for suitable people to head the literacy and agriculture programmes.

  3. Pray for the 19 members of Wycliffe Thailand who are serving in different fields, and for new members preparing to go into the field.

* Not the actual names.

Stories from the Field will be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Get on our mailing list to be notified of future events.

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