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40 Years of Wycliffe Singapore!

40th Anniversary Celebration, 7 October 2023, Bartley Christian Church

Wycliffe Bible Translators (Singapore) Limited was registered as a company limited by guarantee in 1983. Over the past 40 years, Wycliffe Singapore’s members have served overseas in language projects all over Asia as well as Africa and North America. Office staff and volunteers in Singapore have provided administrative and member care support to members, and have also engaged with churches and individuals in Singapore to mobilise and recruit workers and supporters for missions. Beyond these, Wycliffe Singapore actively participates in collaborative initiatives with other entities locally, in the Asia-Pacific as well as globally.

Our distinguished keynote speaker was Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon who shared about the importance of providing Scripture in the “heart language” to all people, including the weak and marginalised. He also movingly recounted how even he, highly educated in English as he is, feels the warmth of God’s Word in a deeper way when he hears Scripture in Tamil, his own “heart language”.

Other highlights:

A panel discussion where three experienced Wycliffe Singapore members answered questions from the floor.

L-R: Facilitator Patrick Lee (Board member), Daniel Jesudason, Tony Chan, Kwan Poh San.

The launch of Called by Grace, Led by Grace, a memoir by Kwan Poh San, who served in Bible translation for 45 years until her recent retirement.

With Poh San, L-R: James Wong (Board Chair), Charles Ho (Executive Director), Simon Wan (Associate Director, Church Engagement).

A member, Pearle, also shared that after 10 years of service in promoting literacy and education, she likens her role to a “bridge”: linking minority communities to the wider society, enabling other missionaries engaged in Bible translation and literacy to enter these communities, and bringing these communities closer to seeking God. In her current role, she focuses on building up more national workers to be bridges for their own communities and neighbouring ones.

And no anniversary celebration would be complete without a shared meal!

To God Be the Glory!

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