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Stories from the Field: The TCK Adventure - Thrills and Spills




Is your family living overseas with you as you serve as a missionary, or are posted overseas for work? Perhaps you know and care for such families? Come and hear about the thrills and spills of the Third Culture Kid (TCK*) Adventure!

Stories from the Field: The TCK Adventure - Thrills and Spills
Stories from the Field: The TCK Adventure - Thrills and Spills

Time & Location

2023年9月05日 20:00 – GMT+8 21:30


About The Event

Topic: The TCK Adventure - Thrills and Spills

Speaker: Sharon

Is your family living overseas with you as you serve as a missionary, or are posted overseas for work? Perhaps you know and care for such families? Come and hear about the thrills and spills of the Third Culture Kid (TCK*) Adventure! More importantly, learn about how to create positive experiences and provide preventive care to help TCKs thrive as they grow up between cultures.

* A TCK is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents' culture.

About the speaker:

Sharon Tan, herself an adult TCK, lived overseas with her husband and two daughters for more than 10 years. They settled back in Singapore in 2013 when the children were teenagers so that they could complete their education and reintegrate into Singapore society. All four of them now live and work in Singapore.

Sharon has a background in Law and Librarianship, and is now a freelance book editor. She also volunteers at Wycliffe Singapore, mainly writing reports and articles.

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