Stories from the Field: Experiencing God's Love Through Music and the Arts
Does becoming a Christian mean rejecting your traditional culture? It doesn’t have to. Come and hear stories of God moving in different communities as Scriptures are engaged with and experienced through music and the arts.
Time & Location
2024年9月03日 20:00 – GMT+8 21:30
About The Event
Topic: Experiencing God's Love Through Music and the Arts
Speaker: Roce Madinger
Does becoming a Christian mean rejecting your traditional culture? It doesn’t have to.
Noya thought that to be a Christian meant turning her back on her culture. She didn’t want to join the other believers in her community until she attended a conference where she learned that her language, their community’s music, songs, dances and attire, were important and valuable to God, too! She experienced freedom and joy knowing that she could worship and love God through the artistic gifts He has given them.
Come and hear stories of God moving in different communities as Scriptures are engaged with and experienced through music and the arts.
About the speaker:
Roce Anog-Madinger was a music teacher for 15 years, then trained in Ethnomusicology and the Arts at Payap University, Thailand. Since then, she has served many minority communities in Asia.